Create Tablespace in ORACLE 10g Permanent tablespace Adding Tablespace in database: CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE BU_SYSTEM_TBS DATAFILE '$DATAFILE_LOCATION/BU_SYSTEM_TBS' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1000M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED LOGGING EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; Adding Datafile in a Tablespace: Use ALTER TABLESPACE to add datafile in tablespace: ALTER TABLESPACE BU_HIS_LOG_TBS ADD DATAFILE '$DATAFILE_LOCATION/BU_HISTLOG_TBS_01.dbf' SIZE 1000M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED; Modify Datafile: You can modify datafile using ALTER DATABASE command: ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ’$DATAFILE_LOCATION/data01.dbf’ AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 30M MAXSIZE 1200M; which means datafile data02.dbf can automatically grow upto 1200 MB size in blocks of 30 MB each time as required. Renaming Tablespaces: This is a feature that is available with Oracle 10g and can be useful in transportable tablespa