~`~` Step By Step Cloning Oracle Database 10g Using RMAN`~`~
- Delete existing DataFile folder in oradata location.
- Login to SQLprompt.
- SQL> shutdown abort; (target database)
- Now login to RMAN and set DBID:
- RMAN> set DBID 123456; (Get it from source database, by connecting RMAN.)
- Now, if there is no database i.e. you have just installed the target database (software only), then check if the dump destination folders are created at dump destination.Ex. - /app/oracle/admin/ULTIMUS/bdump/.
- Startup the database in no mount state :
- SQL> startup nomount;
- Restore pfile:
- SQL> restore spfile to pfile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initULTIMUS.ora' from 'BACKUP_DESTINATION/autobackup/2011_06_20/o1_mf_s_744258937_6pofdsx4_.bkp’;
- (or copy pfile i.e. initULTIMUS.ora from live server then paste it to dbs folder, if the following command is not working).
- Restart the database with new pfile:
- SQL> startup force nomount pfile=' $ORACLE_HOME /dbs/initULTIMUS.ora'
- Restore control file from backup:
- SQL>restore controlfile from ' BACKUP_DESTINATION /autobackup/2011_02_28/o1_mf_s_744258937_6pofdsx4_.bkp'
- (Note: if control file redundancy is used check whether the redundant folder exist or not. Ex. /datafile/oracle-backup/multiplexed.)
- Mount the database:
- SQL>Alter database mount
- If necessary Copy the latest archivelog from live server to ‘ BACKUP_DESTINATION /archivelog/2010_06_20/’.
- Restore the database using until time command:
- SQL> restore database until time "to_date('20/06/2011:20:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy:hh24:mi:ss')"
- Recover the database using until time command:
- SQL> recover database until time "to_date('20/06/2011:20:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy:hh24:mi:ss')"
- Open the database with resetlogs:
- SQL> alter database open resetlogs
Hope this will help you. Happy to help.
thanks for reading this article. good day.
WcompfenXmulpu Andrea Demchuk https://www.namaste-shop.online/profile/pallassjameysha/profile