Solution to : "WARNING: Detected too many memory locking problems." My alert log file was generating too many warnings that i was not aware of. After a thorough search in Google (special thanks), i found that one file permission was responsible for generating the warning. My alert log file entries: Current log# 3 seq# 4645 mem# 0: <DATAFILE_LOCATION>/redo03.log Mon May 28 11:53:39 2012 WARNING: Detected too many memory locking problems. WARNING: Performance degradation may occur. The real cause of those warnings is the file oradism located on $ORACLE_HOME/bin folder was lacking permission. As per meta link note 374367.1, issuing the following command should stop the warnings to get generated: 1- cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin 2- chmod 4550 oradism 3- chmod g+s oradism 4- chown root:dba oradism 5- Bounce the database These commands ware generating errors on my case so i just made my oracle os user, the owener of this file...