Shared Pool Tuning: Cursor Tuning (Tuning Open_Cursors, Session_Cached_Cursors, Cursor_Space_For_Time)
Shared Pool Tuning: Cursor Tuning
The three most important parameter for shared
pool tuning are OPEN_CURSORS, SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS and CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME. But most of the time we
see that these two parameters SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS and CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME are
ignored or unused.
cursors take up space in the shared pool, in the library cache. OPEN_CURSORS
sets the maximum number of cursors each session can have open, per session. For
example, if OPEN_CURSORS is set to 1000, then each session can have up to 1000
cursors open at one time.
cached cursors, not currently open cursors, by session. If you’re wondering how
many cursors a session has open, don’t look in v$open_cursor. It shows the
cursors in the session cursor cache for each session, not cursors that are
actually open. To
monitor open cursors, query v$sesstat where name=’opened cursors current’. This will give the number of currently
opened cursors, by session:
n Total cursors open, by session
select a.value, s.username, s.sid, s.serial#
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and s.sid = a.sid
and = 'opened cursors current';
n Total cursors open, by username & machine
You may find it useful to monitor open cursors
by username and machine while working on N-tier Application:
select sum(a.value) total_cur,
avg(a.value) avg_cur,
max(a.value) max_cur,
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and s.sid = a.sid
and = 'opened cursors
group by s.username, s.machine
order by 1 desc;
n Tuning
To see if you've set OPEN_CURSORS high enough,
monitor v$sesstat for the maximum opened cursors current. If your sessions are
running close to the limit, up the value of OPEN_CURSORS
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$parameter p
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and = 'opened cursors current'
and = 'open_cursors'
group by p.value;
time a statement is issued, the session searches the shared pool for the parsed
state, if it doesn’t get the parsed version, it will “hard parse” it,
and if it exists in shared pool, it will still do a “soft parse”.
The term “hard parse” is a costly operation, even a “soft parse” requires library cache latch and CPU overhead, which is will be significant number if we sum up.
This parameters default value is 50. This will improve the “soft parse” performance by doing a softer soft parse. Confused? Let’s have a closer look.
If this parameter is set, oracle maintains a local session cache which stores recently closed cursors of a session and maintains the cursors for which there have been 3 parsed calls in the past, so all the SQL’s issued by a session are not here. Each cursor if pinned here, is not freeable and you may lead to allocate more shared pool area.
A normal cursor in shared pool is sum of 2 components:
a) Heap 0 – size 1KB
b) SQL Area – size multiple of 4k
When we use session_cached_cursors only first component of cursor which is HEAP 0 is pinned in local session cache and if there is a call for re-parse for a statement, Oracle first checks the existence of the cursor in local cache and if found, it gets the address of the rest of the cursor which is in SQL Area provided that it is not aged out, so hereby saving CPU overhead and library cache latch contention.
The following query shows maximum value for session_cached_cursors in the past. If this value equals “session_cached_cursors” (see init.ora parameter), you should consider increasing it.
The term “hard parse” is a costly operation, even a “soft parse” requires library cache latch and CPU overhead, which is will be significant number if we sum up.
This parameters default value is 50. This will improve the “soft parse” performance by doing a softer soft parse. Confused? Let’s have a closer look.
If this parameter is set, oracle maintains a local session cache which stores recently closed cursors of a session and maintains the cursors for which there have been 3 parsed calls in the past, so all the SQL’s issued by a session are not here. Each cursor if pinned here, is not freeable and you may lead to allocate more shared pool area.
A normal cursor in shared pool is sum of 2 components:
a) Heap 0 – size 1KB
b) SQL Area – size multiple of 4k
When we use session_cached_cursors only first component of cursor which is HEAP 0 is pinned in local session cache and if there is a call for re-parse for a statement, Oracle first checks the existence of the cursor in local cache and if found, it gets the address of the rest of the cursor which is in SQL Area provided that it is not aged out, so hereby saving CPU overhead and library cache latch contention.
The following query shows maximum value for session_cached_cursors in the past. If this value equals “session_cached_cursors” (see init.ora parameter), you should consider increasing it.
n Maximum value for session_cached_cursors
select max(value)
from v$sesstat
where STATISTIC# in
(select STATISTIC#
from v$statname
where name = 'session cursor cache count');
by session
also provides a statistic to monitor the number of cursors each session has in
its session cursor cache.
select a.value, s.username, s.sid, s.serial#
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and s.sid = a.sid
and = 'session cursor
cache count';
You can also see directly what is in the session
cursor cache by querying v$open_cursor. v$open_cursor lists session cached
cursors by SID, and includes the first few characters of the statement and the
sql_id, so you can actually tell what the cursors are for.
select c.user_name, c.sid, sql.sql_text
from v$open_cursor c, v$sql sql
where c.sql_id = sql.sql_id --
for 9i and earlier use: c.address=sql.address
and c.sid = &sid;
n To see the hard and soft parse percentage, issue the
following query:
select to_char (100 * sess / calls, '999999999990.00') || '%'
to_char(100 * (calls - sess - hard) / calls, '999990.00') || '%'
to_char(100 * hard / calls, '999990.00') || '%' hard_parses
from (select value calls
from sys.v_$sysstat
where name = 'parse count (total)'),
(select value hard
from sys.v_$sysstat
where name = 'parse count (hard)'),
(select value sess
from sys.v_$sysstat
where name = 'session cursor cache hits');
----------------- ----------- -----------
45.56% 49.98% 4.46%
To see the usage
percentage on session_cached_cursors and open_cursors issue the following query:
select 'session_cached_cursors' parameter,
lpad(value, 5) value,
decode(value, 0, '
to_char(100 * used / value, '990') || '%') usage
from (select max(s.value) used
from sys.v_$statname n, sys.v_$sesstat s
where = 'session
cursor cache count'
and s.statistic# = n.statistic#),
(select value
from sys.v_$parameter
where name = 'session_cached_cursors')
union all
select 'open_cursors',
lpad(value, 5),
to_char(100 * used / value, '990') || '%'
from (select max(sum(s.value)) used
from sys.v_$statname n, sys.v_$sesstat s
where in
('opened cursors current', 'session cursor cache count')
and s.statistic# = n.statistic#
group by s.sid),
(select value from sys.v_$parameter where name = 'open_cursors')
---------------------- ----- -----
session_cached_cursors 40 100%
open_cursors 4000 3%
n Tuning
If you choose to use SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS to help out an
application that is continually closing and reopening cursors, you can monitor
its effectiveness via two more statistics in v$sesstat. The statistic "session cursor cache hits"
reflects the number of times that a statement the session sent for parsing was
found in the session cursor cache, meaning it didn't have to be reparsed and
your session didn't have to search through the library cache for it. You can
compare this to the statistic "parse count (total)"; subtract "session
cursor cache hits" from "parse count (total)" to see
the number of parses that actually occurred.
select cach.value cache_hits,
prs.value all_parses,
prs.value - cach.value
from v$sesstat cach, v$sesstat
prs, v$statname nm1, v$statname nm2
where cach.statistic# =
and = 'session cursor cache hits'
and prs.statistic# =
and = 'parse count (total)'
and cach.sid = &sid
and prs.sid = cach.sid;
importantly if you want to see how your session cache is doing. Issue the
following query.
select cache / tot * 100 "Session cursor cache%"
select cache / tot * 100 "Session cursor cache%"
from (select value tot from v$sysstat where name = 'parse count (total)'),
(select value cache
from sys.v_$sysstat
where name = 'session cursor cache hits');
Session cursor cache%
A value near 100 is considered very well. But you may still consider increasing this parameter if MAX(VALUE) in query one shows you equal number of cached cursor which you have set.
increasing this parameter will mean extra memory required for shared pool, so
you must increase your shared pool when you use this parameter.
select, b.value
from v$statname a, v$mystat b
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and lower( like '%' || lower('&1') || '%';
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
opened cursors cumulative 186
opened cursors current 1
session cursor cache hits 136
session cursor cache count 35
cursor authentications 11
that shows I've 35 cursors in my "cache" ready to be opened faster then normal -- but I never
exceeded my 1000 open cursors at a time threshold.
When the cursors are closed by application, they can still be in shared pool, until there comes a request for a new cursor and oracle needs to use more memory using LRU algorithm. SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS helps you in pinning (partial because it only pins HEAP 0) when the cursors are closed.
Oracle requires parsed state of SQL at PARSE and EXECUTE phase. If oracle parses (soft or hard) a statement, there is a likely hood that Oracle may age out your SQL out of shared pool after PARSE state if it requires to accommodate a new SQL coming its way. So in the EXECUTE state, there is a possibility that parsed information is lost and oracle parse it again.
CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME if set to TRUE, ensures that SQL is not aged out before the cursor is closed, so in EXECUTE phase, you will have the PARSE information.
But this is generally a rare case and happens in a very highly active environment because to accommodate a new SQL, Oracle first check the free space and if it doesn’t get, it checks the closed cursors and see if any cursor can be aged out and when there is no space which can be reclaimed, Oracle comes to open cursors which are not EXECUTED.
This generally happens when the space of shared pool is too less.
It is not suggested to set up this parameter to TRUE in most of the cases. The reason behind this is that some serious compromise. When a cursor is pinned, it can’t be aged out and related memory cannot be freed for any new SQL, Oracle will keep all the open cursors pinned and not freeable. If you use this parameter, you are pinning the whole cursor not just the HEAP 0 which is 1k, you are pinning HEAP 0 (1k) + SQL Area (multiple of 4k) which makes shared pool life tough because of space issues.
When the cursors are closed by application, they can still be in shared pool, until there comes a request for a new cursor and oracle needs to use more memory using LRU algorithm. SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS helps you in pinning (partial because it only pins HEAP 0) when the cursors are closed.
Oracle requires parsed state of SQL at PARSE and EXECUTE phase. If oracle parses (soft or hard) a statement, there is a likely hood that Oracle may age out your SQL out of shared pool after PARSE state if it requires to accommodate a new SQL coming its way. So in the EXECUTE state, there is a possibility that parsed information is lost and oracle parse it again.
CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME if set to TRUE, ensures that SQL is not aged out before the cursor is closed, so in EXECUTE phase, you will have the PARSE information.
But this is generally a rare case and happens in a very highly active environment because to accommodate a new SQL, Oracle first check the free space and if it doesn’t get, it checks the closed cursors and see if any cursor can be aged out and when there is no space which can be reclaimed, Oracle comes to open cursors which are not EXECUTED.
This generally happens when the space of shared pool is too less.
It is not suggested to set up this parameter to TRUE in most of the cases. The reason behind this is that some serious compromise. When a cursor is pinned, it can’t be aged out and related memory cannot be freed for any new SQL, Oracle will keep all the open cursors pinned and not freeable. If you use this parameter, you are pinning the whole cursor not just the HEAP 0 which is 1k, you are pinning HEAP 0 (1k) + SQL Area (multiple of 4k) which makes shared pool life tough because of space issues.
hAVE A nICE dAY !!!
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